Saturday, June 27, 2009

Making Dinner over the Fire: Thing #3

I downloaded Skype with no problemjust held the control button down most of the time. I tried it and called my mom in California. I was so thrilled! But I realized that I was leaning into the monitor talking to the screen. Microphone, not there! Why I was doing that? Not sure. However, I went to call Texas Techie and then they wanted me to buy Skype Credit. No thanks. I guess it would be great for me to keep in contact with my friends and family from around the world.
Students could use this as a video chat session with other classroom who might be learning the same or similar concepts.


arkreynolds said...

I'm going to try this later this week. My understanding is you can call other Skypers for free-computer to computer otherwise it cost. Maybe you can get those you want to stay in touch with to sign up for Skype so it will be free.

Amitch said...

Yes, I realized that and now I love it! I call and chat with other teachers and friends. We even chat from their iTouch with Skype. You know how I love free.